Swaddling Clothes

Swaddling Clothes at Holy Trinity

Swaddling Clothes is a ministry of Holy Trinity for the purpose of helping parents with gifts of baby clothes, diapers and wipes along with the sharing of the Gospel of Christ and His love.  For more information on this ministry check out

Anyone is welcome to come and receive diapers, wipes and baby clothing.  We are open the third Saturday of every month from 9-11 a.m. here at Holy Trinity.

Our sister congregation is Immanuel Lutheran in Pomeroy, Iowa and they also operate a Swaddling Clothes co-op which is open the second Saturday of every month from 9-11am.

You can also check out our Facebook page "Swaddling Clothes of Farnhamville and Pomeroy."

Swaddling Clothes of Farnhamville and Pomeroy

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